
About Stem Cells

The Stem Cells is a section published by the Insciences Journal (ISSN 1664-171X), an Open Access journal launched by Insciences Organisation. This section publishes High-quality original research papers and Reviews related to Stem Cells.

About Stem Cells

The Stem Cells is a section published by the Insciences Journal, an Open Access journal launched by Insciences Organisation. This section publishes High-quality original research papers and Reviews related to Stem Cells these include but are not limited to: Embryonic cell stems, Adult stem cells, Blastocysts, Cordblood stem cells, Stem cell transformation, Pluripotentiality of adult stem cells, Cancer stem cells, Regenerative medicine, Blood stem cells, Bone Marrow, Neural stem cells, Tissue stem cells, Embryonic stem cells, Induced pluripotent stem cells, Hematopoietic stem cells, Mesenchymal stem cells, Stem cell niches, Bone marrow transplantation,  Stem cell epigenetics, Stem cell biology.

Insciences Journal invites original research and reviews in all aspects of stem cells. Manuscripts should be submitted directly via E-mail to: [email protected]

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Contact Informations

verein insciences organisation
4053 Basel - Switzerland
[email protected]


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