Instructions for Authors
Insciences Journal (ISSN 1664-171X) aims to maintain a rapid editorial procedure and a rigorous peer-review system and to provide a trusted source of information. The Insciences Journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Articles in the Insciences Journal are published on an Open Access online basis and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 3.0 Unported (
Accepted papers will be published immediately. Authors are asked to prepare and submit manuscripts according the following instructions.
Submission of Manuscripts and Manuscript Preparation
Sensors Section
Manuscripts should be submitted directly via E-mail to: [email protected]
After submission of the manuscript, the correspondent author will receive an email notification from the editorial office within 24 hours to confirm the submission an to assign an Id number to the manuscript.
Authors are kindly asked to prepare a cover letter on behalf of all co-authors including a brief about their work and indicating in which Section of the Insciences Journal they would like to publish their manuscripts after acceptance. Moreover, authors should submit a list of Five potential referees with their complete mailing address and email address, who may be contacted for reviewing the manuscript though refereeing is done by reviewers selected by the editorial office.
Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript and on behalf of all authors after their acceptance. Submissions by anyone other than the corresponding author will be immediately rejected. The principal author has to confirm that the manuscripts has not been submitted to any other journal and not considered for publication elsewhere. [Also, by submitting the paper, the corresponding author confirm that the manuscript publication has been approved by any responsible authorities. The publisher will not be held legally responsibilities].
Authors must take responsibility to identify and declare that there is no Conflicts of Interest.
Authors wishing to include any materials such as illustrations, tables, figures, text and it is already have been published previously are kindly asked to obtain a written permission from the owner of these materials before publication of their manuscript.
Authors are required to submit their manuscripts complete in the form of single zipped folder containing all materials and in MS Word (all pages must be numbered sequentially), also a pdf version of the entire manuscript must be included and all figures, illustrations, tables must be within the text. Kindly note that currently Insciences Journal does not support manuscripts in the LaTex/TeX formats so please do not prepare manuscripts in LaTex/Tex formats because in the mean time manuscripts prepared in MS Word format are only accepted.
Manuscripts should be written in English and authors are kindly asked to submit it in proper correct English. Therefore, for non-native English we recommend them to ask for a professional help from an English speaking colleague before submission. Authors can also contact us by E-mail to ask us for potential English correction service provided by professionals.
Manuscripts has no maximum length and there is no restriction on the number of illustrations, figures, tables including withing the text.
Paper Format: The paper must be an A4 paper format. Kindly use the following Template for preparing the manuscript. Manuscript-Template
Manuscripts must contains the following sections by order:
- Title of the Paper
- Names of The Authors (Full Names)
- Affiliation / Addresses
- Email Address(es) for corresponding author(s)
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgment
- References and Notes
Title of the Paper: The title should be brief and precise and not to be more than 200 characters
Names of The Authors: Full names of all authors who contributed to the manuscript must be provided as First-name Last-name and abbreviated middle name can be given. The authors’ full names must be placed directly under the title of the paper. The authors must choose a corresponding author to act on their behalf.
Affiliations / Addresses: Full institutional mailing addresses, affiliations and the Emails addresses must be given by the authors.
Abstract: The abstract should be brief summary of the work’s purpose, not to exceed 250 words for research papers and review and it should be prepared as a paragraph. Kindly note that abbreviations should not be used in abstract and when needed it must be reduced to the minimum.
Keywords: Following the abstract, authors are asked to provide at least 5 keywords.
Introduction & Methods: The main text should be prepared as sections with no subheadings containing an introduction and methodology. (See Template)
Results and Discussion: (See Template) belong to the main text where author(s) include the Results of the study and should be prepared into separated paragraphs as the following style: Results, Discussion and Conclusion of the study and it should be followed by the Acknowledgment ( if any).
Acknowledgment: This section should be included at the very end of the paper before the references and may include grants, technical staff, colleagues, etc.
References: References should be numbered according to the order in which they appear (Cite) in the text. The citations of references in text should be identified using numbers in square brackets (e.g., text…[1]).
Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in references is complete and following the right formatting especially if they are prepared manually. The editorial office will charge additional charges when correction is needed and paid by reference. Following authors will find an examples on how to prepare the references correctly.
- Journal articles: Author(s), (Year), Article title, Journal title, Volume (if any), Issue, Pages.
- Books: Author(s), Date of Publication, Title, Edition (if any) / or Volume (if any), place of publication, publisher, pages, ISBN.
- Conference proceedings: Corporate author(s), Date, Title of the conference paper(and/or name of the conference), Place, Publisher.
- Thesis: Author (s), Year, Title, Type of Thesis, Awarding Institution.
Figures, Illustrations, Schemes and Tables: Figures, illustrations, schemes and Tables, as well as legends and captures should be inserted within the text at the appropriate positions rather then listing them at the end of the paper. No extra charges for colored images and illustartions.
Greek Symbols and Special Characters:
To ensure a prompt publication, all special characters and Greek symbols should be inserted in the text as a symbol and not to be done with a format styling, as these characters and symbols undergo formatting changes and get lost during preparation for manuscript.
After a paper is accepted for publication, the editorial office will prepare a proof of the article with the final and correct formation and it will be send for the correspondence author for correction. Corrected proofs must be returned to the editorial office within 3 days. The Insciences Journal will do everything on the best way to ensure a prefect and prompt publication.
The Insciences Journal and all its sections apply the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License 3.0 Unported to all works we publish. Under the CCAL, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their article, but authors allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy articles in Insciences journal and all its sections, as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers. Read full legal code at