
About Climate Change

Inscience Journal has launched the Climate Change section for the high importance of this contemporary topic for life being. This section aims to cover a wide range of issues affecting the world and related to Atmospheric Sciences by publishing Research articles and Reviews

Processing Charges

The Insciences Journal is an Open Access journal which facilitate the spread of all articles worldwide immediately upon publication and free of charges for readers (no fees apply to access and download any articles published by Insciences Journal). With Open Access system, it is guarantied that an author(s) work is distributed worldwide which increase the impact of their work, and consequently their work will be cited more.

Therefor, the article processing charges  are paid by the author(s) or its Institution upon acceptance of the paper for publication.


Article Processing Charges:
For the year 2012 490 CHF  or 400 Euro  or  510$

Contact Informations

verein insciences organisation
4053 Basel - Switzerland
[email protected]


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