
About Climate Change

Inscience Journal has launched the Climate Change section for the high importance of this contemporary topic for life being. This section aims to cover a wide range of issues affecting the world and related to Atmospheric Sciences by publishing Research articles and Reviews

Call for Papers

The Insciences Organisation , a nonprofit organisation based in Switzerland with more than 1300 members of researchers, doctors and professors from around the world, has announced the launching of its official peer-reviewed, Open-access journal: The Insciences Journal (ISSN 1664-171X).

The Insciences Journal will be published on monthly basis, focusing on four main sections:

  1. Climate Change (Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Donald James Wuebbles)
  2. Nanotechnology (Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Tuan Vo-Dinh)
  3. Stem Cells (Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Taner Demirer)
  4. Sensors (Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Giorgio Sberveglieri)

On behalf of the Editorial Board (, we are honored to invite you to contribute original research article(s) or comprehensive review(s) for consideration and publication in the Climate Change section.

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Climate Change is now recognized as the major environmental problem facing the globe and demanding real solutions. Climate Change is a multidisciplinary section that publishes high quality papers and reviews, the primary areas of research interests include but are not limited to:  Atmospheric & Environmental Science, Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Physics, Acid precipitation, Aerosols, Air, Biofuels and alternatives, Global Warming, Green Chemistry, Climate change modeling and simulations, Climatic events, Coupled ocean-atmosphere systems, Deforestation, Ecology, Oceanography, Forestry,  Green energy, Greenhouse gases, Stratospheric ozone depletion, Solar variation, Pollution, Urban.

Interested authors are required to submit tentative title and complete abstract of the paper as soon as possible, via email to [email protected]. All authors should read before submission the Instructions for Authors page which is located at

The Insciences Journal maintains a rigorous and fast peer-review system; the time from submission to a decision will be completed within 4-5 weeks. Moreover, it is an open access journal which means that your paper will be available worldwide after acceptance with no embargoed time to read and download. Open Access increases publicity and promotes more frequent citations as indicated by several studies.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

Insciences Editorial office
Climate Change

E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +41 61 5082268

Insciences Journal
Reinacherstr. 129
4053 Basel – Switzerland

Contact Informations

verein insciences organisation
4053 Basel - Switzerland
[email protected]


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