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Insciences Journal (ISSN 1664-171X), an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal publishes original research papers and reviews. The Insciences Journal is focusing on four main sections: Climate Change, Stem Cells, Nanotechnology and Sensors.

Insciences J. 2014, 4(1), 1-18;doi:10.5640/insc.040101

Review Paper, Section: Sensors

Electrochemical Detection of Benzodiazepines, Following Liquid Chromatography, for Applications in Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Forensic Investigations

Kevin C. Honeychurch1, John P. Hart1 * email

1 Centre for Research in Biosciences, University of the West of England, Bristol, BS16 1QY, UK

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Published: January 23, 2014

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Benzodiazepines are an important class of drugs commonly administered with a potential for abuse and environmental pollution. This review focuses on the liquid chromatographic electrochemical detection of the benzodiazepine class of drugs. These are characterised by a readily electrochemically reducible azomethine group, with a number also substituted by other electrochemically active groups. Liquid chromatography employing both single and dual electrode detection has been reported for a variety of benzodiazepines and their metabolites in biological, pharmaceutical, biomedical and forensic investigations. Recently, electrochemistry has been utilised to mimic biological oxidation processes and has been combined with liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy for their identification and quantification of the products generated. The present review focuses on recent developments in liquid chromatographic- electrochemical determination of benzodiazepines reported since 2006, with earlier reports given in summary.

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